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Dubai, UAE, April, 2014 – Culligan®, a leading global innovator of advanced water treatment solutions for more than 75 years, has launched a new website dedicated to the UAE region.
The new website is designed to showcase Culligan’s water treatment solutions whilst educating visitors about common types of water problems, and the best approaches for solving them.
As well as providing information on all the water treatment technology and services Culligan can offer the new website aims to show visitors via interactive content how Culligan can solve their water challenges with a complete solution by using typical real life examples such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and other industries.
“We are delighted to announce the launch of the new Culligan website. The whole team here has worked hard with the web-development team to ensure the site reflects the holistic approach we take to water treatment here in the UAE. We believe completely in a total water solution concept. So rather than simply sell equipment and walk away like a traditional equipment vendor we work closely with our customers at the outset to find the perfect solution for their specific water usage needs. We feel Culligan is uniquely placed to do this thanks to a powerful combination of Culligan water treatment technology, specifically tailored Culligan Chemical programs and on-the ground Culligan service and maintenance. With our new equipment assembly and chemical blending facility in Technopark, Dubai, and our extensive local service team we are able to deliver our customers a total water solution”, says Simon Boyd, General Manager, Culligan Middle East FZE.
“The new website demonstrates not only the depth but also the breadth of our capabilities, and visitors can discover how Culligan can provide total water solutions for situations as diverse as coffee shops all the way through to oil rigs” says Chris Freeman, Marketing Director EMEA, Culligan.
“We are not a new name in the market here in the UAE. In 2013 we celebrated our 20th year in the region, and with our newly opened Technopark production facility, and our new website we want to show the market that we are investing to be successful here for the next 20 years!” says Simon Boyd, General Manager, Culligan Middle East FZE.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_single_image image="11431" img_size="full" onclick="link_no" img_link_target="_self"][vc_text_separator title="Explore the New Website and Find Your Water Treatment Solution" title_align="separator_align_right" add_space="yes"][vc_wp_custommenu nav_menu="23" menu_position="sidebar" menu_alignment="left"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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